How Germans turn their kids into little Psychopaths
From very young age, German kids hear stories that turn them into little psychopaths. It worked with me.
On the one side, there are fary tails like Little Red Riding Hood, where a wolf eats humans or Hensel & Gretel, where a witch plans to eat children. I guess these stories are now also internationally very popular, but let me introduce you to a book that my mother and grandmother used to read to me when I was three years old:
(Peter with the messy hair)
It contains stories that should teach children to listen to their parents. Funny stuff if you are not a small child.
There is the story about the boy that always sucks on his thumbs, even his mother tells him to stop. He still does it while his mother is not home, but if you do that kids, his guy will come and cut off both your thumbs:
Or this nice story about Kasper, who did not want to eat his soup. After 5 days, he starved to death. I wish I could loose weight so fast.
Finally, this poor girl was playing with a lighter and guess what - she burned to death.
Now you know why we started two world wars and invented software like SAP …